Speaking Engagements

My speaking engagements are dedicated to elevating the conversation around mental illness, suicide, and loss and grief, critical yet often taboo subjects. Drawing from my personal experiences and insights shared in my book, I offer a compassionate, honest, and thought-provoking perspective that resonates with diverse audiences.

In June 2020, I faced the unimaginable loss of my beloved son, Max, to suicide after his long battle with mental illness. This profound experience led me to write my memoir, My Unexpected Journey: Reflections After Losing My Son to Suicide, chronicling the 18 months that followed Max’s death. Through my journey, I have learned invaluable lessons about mental illness, suicide, loss, and grief—topics that are often shrouded in silence and stigma.

My talks typically revolve around the following topics:

Key topics

Healing and hope

Finding resilience and growth in the aftermath of tragedy.

Mental illness

Understanding its impact on individuals and families.

Suicide awareness

Breaking the silence and addressing the stigma.

Grief and loss

Navigating the emotional landscape after a devastating loss.

Why invite me to speak?

Personal and authentic

My talks are rooted in personal experience, offering a genuine and heartfelt narrative that connects deeply with audiences.

Educational and insightful

I provide valuable insights into mental health and grief, promoting understanding and empathy.

Engaging and inspiring

My journey of healing and resilience serves as an inspiration, encouraging others to seek support and open up about their struggles.

Previous engagements

I have had the honor of speaking at various venues, including:

  • Local Churches: Providing support and understanding to congregations.

  • Law Offices: Offering solace and guidance to colleagues grieving a partner’s loss to suicide.

  • NAMI Affiliates and Conferences: Sharing my story with mental health advocates.

  • Colleges and Universities: Educating students and faculty about mental health and suicide awareness, and loss and grief.

Click above to watch an example keynote from St. Stephen's Church in Sewickley, Pennsylvania.

Book a talk

If you are interested in having me speak at your organization, event, or community, please reach out. Together, we can elevate the conversation about mental illness, suicide, loss, and grief, fostering a more compassionate and supportive environment for everyone.